The Problem of Evil

My dear family in Christ,

Why does evil exist in the world? This is one of the most common challenges posed to Christians by those outside the faith. They reason, if a good and all-powerful God really exists, then evil shouldn't. Of course, the Bible plainly tells us why evil exists: "Sin entered the world through one man and death through sin" (Romans 5:12). We know how sin and evil came into the world. The question many Christians have instead is, "Why does evil still exist in the world?" Why hasn't God done away with it yet? What is He waiting for and will He ever put an end to evil and suffering?

This Sunday we'll ask those questions and listen as Jesus gives His answer--an answer which we might not necessarily like but must trust is best. Jesus will give us His answer, once again, with a parable about the "kingdom of heaven," i.e. how God operates and reigns in our world. Jesus describes the world as a wheat field filled with good wheat which He planted and destructive weeds which are planted by God's enemy. How do wheat and weeds coexist and what will Jesus do when harvest time (Judgement Day) comes? We'll learn all this and more on Sunday!

In Christ,

Pastor Bater


Only God can judge me
